Abiding in Prayer (05.17.2020)

The ultimate proof of an abiding relationship with Christ is an abounding prayer life. As we are near Jesus, our prayer has great power. Faith-filled prayer is the key to living the victorious life God has called us to.

Abiding in Patience (05.10.2020)

The key to perseverance in trials is patience from the Lord. God has shown us many examples of men of faith waiting patiently for God’s promise. We can imitate them in faith as we wait for God.

Abiding in Riches (05.03.2020)

Those who pursue riches will be brought to great sorrow. Everything you hope for art from God will not only leave you disappointed, it will destroy you. Beware of a heart full of greed and instead learn generosity from the one who has given everything to us.

Abiding in Eternity (04.26.2020)

We so often think we know what is best, or what we really want. But every life decision ought to be made in full submission to Jesus Christ. If we abide in Him and seek His wisdom, we will include His will as the foundation of every plan and purpose of our lives.

War Against Worldliness (04.19.2020)

Your desires reveal what you truly treasure in your heart. If there is anything in your heart other than Jesus Christ, you face the idolatry of worldliness. The only freedom from these temptations is to resist them and be deeply, desperately broken before God. He will exalt you.

Abiding in True Wisdom (04.05.2020)

Not all wisdom is created equal. True wisdom is known by its fruit. Just as James 1:5 tells us God will give wisdom freely, so will the rest of the world. Being able to discern God’s wisdom comes through the abiding practice of being with Jesus and His people.

Abiding in Words (03.29.2020)

Our words are the hardest part of our being to bring in line with Christ. James teaches that no man can tame the tongue, this must be a supernatural work of Christ. This isn’t just about not speaking, it’s about your speech being transformed from a weapon of death to a fountain of life. 

Faith & Works (03.08.2020)

What saves us? Faith alone or works? The truth is a real believer in Christ will have both. Faith is what brings us into a relationship with Jesus, but the works are the fruit of an abiding Christian. There is no other good way to prove your faith without the transformed obedience that comes from knowing Jesus

Abiding & Community (03.01.2020)

Jesus loves every believer equally, and it breaks His heart that we would show favoritism toward one person or group over another. Truly abiding in Christ will teach us to love equally, and beware partiality.

Abiding & Religion (02.23.2020)

Religion isn’t a bad word, It is simply the external acts of worship by which we express fear and praise to God. False religion has no regard for personal holiness or love for the least of these. Jesus loves these things, so those who abide in Him will not only talk like a christian, they will act like Christ.